Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Project Summary: Designing a Book/The Book as Design

For this project, we were to select a designer in our area of interest and design two double-page spreads. We found the images and wrote all of the articles for these spreads. We also designed the book jacket, title page, table of contents and author biography page. We then joined a group of 6 to 7 other students and combined our work in order to make a larger book. We all agreed on the title, however  the book jacket, title page, table of contents and author biography page  were unique to each individual.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Inspirational book jackets

When designing my book jacket, I started by looking at other designers book covers to see what worked and what did not. These were a few that I thought were particularly effective.

This book jacket was the first that caught my eye. It is  written in a scientific perspective by doctors. I think this is much more effective and clever with the use of chairs rather than a photograph or sketched image of a couple.

This book jacket was designed for a book called: One Red Paperclip: Or How an Ordinary Man Achieved his Dream with the Help of a Simple Office Supply. It is a very simplistic design, however the sheer simplicity of it encourages you to pick it up and find out what it is about. 

This last cover is one of my favorites. The large type on the textured red background is extremely effective.  Although I'm not sure what the book is about, the cover is compelling enough that I would pick it up if I were to stumble upon it at a bookstore.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Paul Rand: Portraits and Examples of Work

One of his first magazine covers as a young designer. 

Eye Bee M poster - IBM

A few of his many famous logo designs.