Thursday, April 12, 2012

Statement of Purpose

The object(s) that I selected for this process were coffee beans. Although it may seem to be a stretch, coffee has always held a special meaning to me. While I was growing up, some of my strongest memories of being around the house were of my mother drinking coffee. She drank several pots a day: morning, noon and night. I specifically remember instances in which she would let me have a sip, and I would vow never to drink that detestable substance again.

In my first few years, I decided to give coffee another chance and soon came to enjoy the taste. Soon after, I obtained a job at a start-up coffee shop in my hometown as a barista. I worked there for the next three years, learning a lot about coffee and making friends that would become like a family.

The amazing part about this job was being able to witness on a daily basis, how a shared love for that delightful drink could bring people together.

In designing the structure for this object, I wanted to combine the organic look of a coffee bean with the more geometric structure of a wooden rectangular box. It was necessary for the inside of the object to hold as much content as possible. For this reason, my design underwent several changes. In the end, I choose a curved shape that was reflected on both sides of the vessel and
constructed thin walls that outlined the simple, elegant shape of the outside of the vessel. As a result, the vessel feels very light and the majority of the volume can be utilized to hold more coffee beans.

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