Thursday, November 17, 2011

Reflections on different parts of the project:

Reflections on different parts of the project:
The first part of the project, constructing the letters, was definitely a learning process. The first challenge was how to build 3 feet tall letters out of cardboard, how to outline the word in that size, how to bind the pieces together most effectively, and then choosing which material to cover the letters in. We decided to answer these difficult questions by deciding how we wanted to represent our word, based on its meaning. Through this process, we decided to “eliminate” one of our letters, through various scenes on campus. Because of the nature of the scenes (tragic), we decided to cover the letters in newspaper – signifying the tragedy “in the news”.
Another challenging part of this process was the photo essay book. My first challenge was narrowing down the 120 pictures I had taken and editing the best ones. After this, I struggled with how to create the actual book and what theme to choose to tell the story the best. I decided to go with a “cold case” file theme, however this proved to be quite a challenge. Trying to mimic a criminal file while not making it too literal, was the most difficult part of the project to achieve. However, I think my solution proves to be effective in balancing the look. 

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