Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What Language Looks Like: Reflection of the Project

In this project I became very familiar with the word absent, how it appears in the font Futura, how it can be arranged, removed, placed and/or repeated in order to convey the meaning of this word. Problems that I initially encountered involved finding ways to define this word using only a flat picture plane, black and white, and a single font. I was only thinking surface level and after brainstorming and hours of experimenting with designs and arrangements, I ended up so many ideas it was difficult to narrow it down to three designs.
After this stage of the project, adding color was another challenge that I encountered. Finding ways to create space without losing the idea of the original design was somewhat of a test. However, I feel that I was able to successfully implement the color studies with my design and even strengthen it in some instances. I learned quite a bit about color, including which colors go well together and most importantly, which do not. All in all, this was a fun and successful project, and I learned a lot through each stage of the design process. 

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