Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Written reflection on how your word construction, placement, photos contribute to the meaning of the word

      Written reflection on how your word construction, placement, photos contribute to the meaning of the word
The construction of the word eliminate was strategically done to help define one particular definition of the word: “to eradicate or to kill”. We purposely did not construct the letter “M”, and planned to have this letter always missing in various crime scenes. The final decision to cover the letters in newspaper also incorporated the tragedy aspect of the meaning, indicating that the story was in the news.
We used a few different scenes on campus in order to show the meaning of our word. The first was in the lower level outside area of Wescoe. This was a dark, concrete filled area in which we arranged our letters as if it were a crime scene. The missing “M” was drawn in chalk and we used tape to mark off the area, similar to caution tape. The next scene we used the shredder in the woodshop and placed shredded paper where the “M” would have been. And for the last scene, we staged another crime scene in a kitchen in one of the dormitories on campus. This was complete with detective scenes, evidence bags, weapon, etc.
The photographs also contributed to the meaning of the word, using various angles, contrast, blurring, etc. In some photos we used people or our group members to reenact scenes; i.e. detectives, bystanders, and friends of the “victim” looking distraught. Overall, I feel that our group was creative in coming up with various scenes and ways to demonstrate the meaning of this word in this context.

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